Nearly two weeks into 2019, and I’m feeling like I haven’t had a hot minute to even think about my goals. I have to admit, I’m not a New Year’s resolutions kind of gal – never have been. Because the thing I find with those, is that they usually fall by the wayside, get forgotten about, or become low on the list of priorities by the end of January. So instead, I’ve tried making goals for the year, which I guess you could argue is pretty much the same thing, said differently. But in my mind, framing them up as goals holds me more accountable to making them happen (just humor me here 🙂 ).
I ride the bus to and from work. It’s pretty much the only hour of guaranteed ME time every day. Usually I read, get in my head, and sometimes get a few extra winks of sleep). Yesterday’s bus ride was one where I was all in my head. And I got to thinking about 2019 goals. And my mind started to down a path of no return – hence why I’m writing about it here.
Why is it that, for many of us, the only time of year we make goals/resolutions, and put all our energy into starting fresh, getting healthy, getting organized, being better versions of ourselves…is at the beginning of it? What is it about a new year that drives us and gives us that extra push to do/be better?
And then I started to think, well, every month is new, so why don’t we give goals/resolutions this same rigor at the beginning of a month? A week? Every day?
In truth, we are not guaranteed tomorrow. This has been weighing heavily on my mind, especially after my mom’s stroke and news of distant friends and family leaving this world too soon and without warning. It’s all too scary and real.
So…in the spirit of a new year…I’m flipping the narrative of my life and changing my perspective on this whole New Year’s resolutions/goals thing. I’m just not going to do it. Mind-blowing I know, right? 😉
Instead, I’m going to wake up each day with renewed energy and intention – to treat every day as a chance I’ve been given to start fresh, get healthy, get organized, and be a better version of myself. The key word here is GIVEN. Every day is a gift we are given by God. So let’s treat it and live it that way!
And if, God-willing, I’m able to see the results of each day compounded into weeks, months, and years, I’ll consider that an added bonus.
So I’m going to start today by letting yesterday go, not worrying about tomorrow, and just focusing on TODAY. And today, my goals are to workout, share this blog with you, take the first step to organizing my house, and cherish every minute with Chad and Mackenzie.
Who’s with me?